gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!today is 6th january 2011 and i am 16th today ..okay its a lie..19th..omged!!!!!!!!!!!!i feel really old..it is last year that i will be entitled with 1 in front..next year will be 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg...haha..never mind..
so with this..i wish that
-i study better
-i achieved my goal
- be a better persom
-be more nice and considerate person
-be a faithful disciple to God..
-loving everyone..
-love myself better
-world peace..*amen...
God, i pray to you, thank you for everything that u grant me for this 19th year i live under the blessing from you, may I have another blast year under your guidance and make a change to me, and the world..bless me and rejoice me with your love..amen..