well...em.hye,*no idea how to start this entry*
haha..life goes by as its shown..nothing much really this holiday..no new stuffs..boring as it is..lame as it feels, sucks as I can see..haha..
lalalal..dunno what to say..ok.. these are my words:
went to KK..bought a new pair of spectacles..miahaha..smart la jg..ahax..quite ok..the went to suria...jalan2..padahal suria 2 mcm boring ne..xda pa2 pn..adess..penat jax berjalan..pas2 go 2 1B with my father long lost friend..but wait before kami smp 1b kn..dorang mw bergmbr dlu..i mean dorang mw snap pic sunset..wow..all of them ada DSLR..jealous ow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..huhu..i want one of like that..DSLR u will be and already be in my wish list..haha..smart ow sunset d sabah kn..bukan la bru sy sedar but really smart ow..yg penting penat berjalan klmrn..wtF..haha
ow gosh..exam result will be announced soon..sy takut ow..hopefully i'll get gempak pnya rsult..amin..*pray harder cyrill!! May God bless me..huhu...