anne yg minta upload..haha
wallup!!!!!..laz nite was quite post 1 phrase ba kat my title above shown..haha..actlly me juz sent da post 4 suka2 ja ba 2...then sekali si Anne coment on dat stry geng!!!..haha..we chatted story sort of typical bitches yg ada d you think bdk2 mrsm ne bookworm ka smua???yg semua bljr ja 24/7 hours..pls la..ada jg yg msk sana..mmg typical bitch pnya..mnta puji..mcm shit2 ja..but 1 thing yg i realised kn..d MRSM xda plak org yg typical QUEEN we watched in da movie..evry hi'school will has their own QUEEN B..but d MRSM mmg xda la..dunno y..dat is my point of view..myB bdk2 MRSM mmg terdidik pnya org la..some of them..really not..haha..ok...back to dIZ post..both of us really had a wonderful time 2 talk about a group of people in MRSM yg minta puji la..yg term d MRSM..MPO..stands 4 MINTA PUJI ORANG..dui..plz la..but..on the otha' hand..ada jg la yg bitch yg saluted type..haha..coz...dorang ne mmg cool n f xsuka 2 org mmg kna la..haha...then dorang ne mmgg baik la jg..even gaya mcm noTTy kn..yg mcm bitchy2 pnya..but still they r much better then people yg bukan naturally bitch tryin so hard to be a BITCH..gosh..plastic ryt..wut a fake..suda la jd mr n mrs copy cat..plz la..dui...